
  • Module - General knowledge

    Here we present you with an overview of the introduction and use of our online courses. This module provides you with comprehensive theoretical knowledge on the subject of permanent make-up. It lays the foundation for your professional competence in the areas of consultation, hygiene and dermatology.

Lecture FW1

Lecture FW1

  • Get started with your online course
  • Possible career paths after our training, diversity of our field
  • Necessary skills, qualifications and knowledge of a successful Pigmentist
  • Examples of various micropigmentation techniques

Lecture FW2

General information on perception of beauty

  • Purpose of a beauty makeup
  • Perception of beauty in different cultures
  • Mimic muscles, important cranial bones, face shapes
  • Skin types and skin colour
  • Style (natural, expressive), “fine feathers make fine birds”
  • What happens during aging? Examples

Lecture FW3

Workstation hygiene

  • Risks and germs
  • Setup of a hygienic workstation

Lecture FW4

Dermatology, contraindications, and healing

  • Who is best suited for micropigmentation?
  • Health issues and contraindications
  • How does the skin react during and after micropigmentation?

Lecture FW5


  • Planning and preview of a treatment
  • Empathic consultation, talk less and listen more
  • Ask useful questions and stay discreet
  • Declaration of consent
  • Beauty consultation form