Needling creates a regeneration boost in the skin and increases the absorption of the dermaceutical active ingredients from bdr. The skin becomes smoother, firmer and more even. In this online seminar, you will learn all the tricks of the trade and how your customers can be optimally treated and visibly benefit from the technique. You too can benefit from much more additional turnover in the institute and rejuvenate your customers with the MNT needling technique and bdr.
Here you will learn professional needling at the highest level. With the BDR series and MicroNeedlingTechnology (MNT), we offer targeted solutions for skin problems and imbalances! Premature skin ageing, rosacea, acne, lack of moisture, extreme dryness or neurodermatitis and dandruff are signs that the skin has lost its balance. The dermaceutical BDR Medical Beauty product range is designed to solve every skin problem with highly concentrated cocktails of active ingredients to restore and maintain balance. Take advantage of the synergy of science and technology for healthy skin.
Our MNT treatment promotes skin regeneration and rejuvenation. The injection of the needle into the tissue stimulates the skin’s natural regeneration and promotes its collagen synthesis (type III & IV). The bdr® microneedling treatment promotes blood circulation and nutrient absorption; tightens and thickens the skin and stabilises the capillary network present in upper skin layers. MNT additionally improves skin texture, refines pores, and reduces
This treatment is applied superficially; it only removes epidermal cells like micro-dermabrasion, Micropeel or Profipeel. Treatments are neither painful nor bloody. Non-invasive needling treatments (e.g. with applicators XL, XL Professional or XS) require a very low penetration depth and are comparable to dermabrasion treatments using the Micropeel/Profipeel applicator which do not penetrate the skin.
This type of needling only penetrates epidermal layers above the basal membrane. The penetration depth of the needle ranges from 0.2 mm to 0.8 mm depending on skin type, area of the skin (body or face) and condition of the skin (elasticity and thickness). Minimally invasive needling is a method to increase the penetration efficacy of active ingredients into the epidermis which stimulates the skin’s regeneration and healing. This type of treatment can be slightly painful. It is not bloody, does not weaken the structure of the epidermis and does not penetrate the dermis. Minimally invasive needling combined with cosmetics complies with Regulation (EC) 1223/2009/EG on cosmetic products (only external application).
Needling increases skin permeability: this accelerates and increases absorption of active ingredients. The classic bdr® Stimulation treatment using Stimulation XL, XL professional and XS is the original application method of minimally invasive needling which was first invented in 2001 and was introduced worldwide. Both the MNT and classic bdr® Stimulation treatments are minimally invasive. MNT is slightly more intensive as it uses a higher needle count causing more punctures and stimulation of the skin.
Tight and small needle groupings are perfect to apply minimally invasive needling treatments (module 36P/42P). Apply little pressure and set to low penetration depth. A less tight and larger needle grouping (module 12P) penetrates the tissue more intensively. Apply no pressure and set to very low penetration depth (0. 1 – 0.5 mm).
Der invasive Wirkungsgrad des MNT verursacht Mikroläsionen in der Dermis (Lederhaut ). Bedingt durch das tiefere Eindringen der Mikronadeln in die Haut werden Wachstumsfaktoren freigesetzt, welche die Regeneration noch stärker ankurbeln. Durch die intensive Anregung des Wundheilungsapparates werden sowohl die Menge der Fibroplasten als auch deren Aktivität gesteigert. Durch
die MNT bedingte Anregung der Kollagensynthese (Kollagen Typ III&IV) wird die Haut messbar dichter und fester (perkutane Kollageninduktion). Die Haut zwischen den Nadelstichen bleibt unverletzt und somit wird weder die Dermis noch die Epidermis strukturell geschädigt. Die Haut bleibt intakt. Korrekt angewendet besteht keine Gefahr für Wundheilungsstörungen, Pigmentstörungen oder Narbenbildung. Eine Lokale Punktblutung ist möglich, vor allem bei geschwächtem Mikrokapillarsystem, Teleangiektasien und generell bei sehr empfindlicher und dünner Haut sowie bei erhöhtem Blutdruck.